5 Turmeric Benefits That Will Spice Up Your Wellness Routine

Living in India has definitely brought some new and exciting influences to my life. I’ve noticed essence of the culture not only within my designs and creative thought process but also my health and well-being. One thing in particular that I always tend to incorporate into my beauty and wellness routine is India’s favorite golden miracle powder—turmeric. Turmeric, or "haldi," is a deep orange root from India, where it's one of the country's most widely used spices in food and on faces. It gets its health benefits primarily because of curcumin, a bioactive component that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help manage digestion, anti-aging, depression, arthritis and much more.
Since turmeric offers internal and external benefits, there are plenty of ways to incorporate its healing properties into your beauty and wellness routine. Apply turmeric to wounds, and it’s believed to fight infection. Mix it with milk, and the mind calms. Tint the entrance of new homes with a paste, and welcome prosperity. But the fun doesn’t stop there—here are a few of my favorite DIY turmeric remedies:

1. Turmeric coffee
Simple, easy and with loads of benefits—turmeric coffee has seemingly become one of my favorite additions to my mornings here in India. It’s great for digestion health, improving liver function, and even an upset stomach when the spice is ingested.
I start off by taking half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mixing it in with my favorite coffee grounds until it’s evenly distributed. Next up is to simply brew your coffee with any method of your choice and voila!— your favorite cup of joe with a hint of health and well-being. I personally like to spruce up my coffee with a teaspoon of coconut oil, coconut milk and cinnamon to add in some extra flavor.

2. DIY turmeric face mask
Not only does this spice have amazing healing properties, but it’s also a great beauty product to get beautiful, glowing skin; it turns out that Indian brides have long used turmeric as a face mask to soothe and brighten their skin before their weddings. This is because the spice is so high in antioxidants that it can slow down cell damage and improve the texture of the skin. They key to making the perfect turmeric face mask only involves three simple ingredients:
- 1 ½ teaspoons of ground turmeric
- 1 teaspoon of raw organic honey
- 1 tablespoon of coconut milk
Mix the ingredients until they become a thin paste and apply the mask evenly to your skin. Next step is to grab and glass of wine and hang tight for 20 minutes before you wash it off with warm water. Like any other face mask, it’s recommended that you only apply this every 2-3 times per week to prevent any skin irritation.

3. Homemade turmeric ginger tea
Turmeric ginger tea is a ton of benefits and is considered one of the most effective (and delicious!) ways to consume the spice. You simply add ½ a teaspoon of both turmeric and ginger to water and bring it to a boil. I like to finish mine off by adding in some honey and a little lemon juice to sweeten up the mixture.

4. DIY turmeric body scrub
If you struggle with acne, inflammation or scarring then this turmeric body scrub might be your saving grace. Turmeric’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can help calm and lighten the skin to reach an even, glowing texture.
This is what you'll need:
- 1 cup of white sugar
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric
- 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice (yum!)
- 15 drops of orange essential oil or vitamin e oil
- ½ cup of oil your choice; I prefer olive oil because it’s a great skin softener and leaves skin moisturized.
Combine these ingredients together and enjoy your new favorite DIY body scrub!

5. Natural turmeric dye
The benefits of turmeric don't just end with beauty and wellness. What if I told you that the spice could also be used as a natural alternative to chemical dyes—whaattt? Yes, it's true. If you want to dye your fabric that deep, rich yellow color that makes curry so deliciously appealing, then follow these 6 simple steps:
- In a stockpot, bring 4 cups of vinegar and 16 cups of water to medium heat.
- Take your chosen fabric and submerge it into the vinegar-water mixture.
- While that's heating, grab a separate pot and bring 1/4 of turmeric and 12 cups of water to a boil. Once you see that it's boiling, reduce the heat and let simmer for an hour.
- After an hour as past, take your fabric from the stockpot and transfer it to the turmeric mixture. Continue to heat over medium-low temperature until you are satisfied with the shade. Keep in mind that the longer the fabric is in the dye, the darker the color will be.
- When you're ready to take it out, drain the components of the pot and rinse your fabric under tap water to remove any excess dye.
- Last step is to throw your fabric in the washing machine—preferably by itself or with similar colors—and then let it dry overnight.
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