4 Ways to Accessorize Using UpCycled Fabric

As a designer, I find myself drowning in left-over and unused fabric swatches! I try and make use of them in the best way I can. One of my signature styling secrets is using these scrap fabrics as hair accessories to spruce up an assortment of my personal looks. I always get asked "how do you do your hair like that?!" So today, I thought I'd finally share my techniques!
Below I have added some ways you can use upcycled fabric to complete your own look.
The "Hippie Knot"
1). Style your hair into a middle part.
2). Tie a knot down the centre of your fabric.
3). Place the knot in the centre of your fabric and tie a knot in the back of your head.
4). Take the excess fabric and bring it forward to tuck under the side panels of the band so they aren't visible.
The "Bow Tie"
1). Start with the fabric underneath your hair and tie up—cotton fabrics work best here!
2). Form a night big bow at the front of your hair and tie it tight.
3). Push the band back as far as you want to alter the look and adjust the volume of the bow to get your desired look!
The "Head Wrap"
1). Start with your hair in a high top knot or bun.
2). Take your piece of fabric dip your head down and over and start with it wrapped at the back of your head—head wraps work best with a half a meter of fabric.
3). Hold the excess fabric like a high ponytail and twist tightly as you bring your head back up.
4). Keep twisting bringing the fabric around in a tight circle knot at the top front of your head.
5). Tuck in the end piece and adjust until you reach your desired look.
The "Front Knot"
1). Start with your hair in a bun or pony.
2). Take your fabric from behind the bottom of the head and bring up to the top.
3). Tie in a centre knot.
4). play with the shape until you're satisfied with your entire look.